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LPGS Steam Retro Publisher (English)


There is an important community of retro developers in the world. Usually, the only way for this community to release a video game is using a physical format. They also have the possibility of sharing its improvements free so that it is available to a bigger number of people.

LUEGOLU3GO is working to offer developers and players access to retro platforms, where retro video games will be published.

Thanks to LPGS Steam Retro Publisher we are able to get people to know retro games in order to make even more games public. As there is a huge amount of video games which are developed but, unfortunately, don’t get to the public. It is also a way of providing the development of new products for money.

What is LPGS Steam Retro Publisher? It’s a part of the LPGS services which allows the publishing of ROMs and other formats in a safe way. It’s aimed for a group of 8/16 bits machines, such as MSX, Amstrad, C64, Spectrum, Amiga, Super Nintendo, Genesis, to name but a few.

Which is the target group of these services? Every retro video game developer. As well as hombrew, indie and other amateur or professional groups who want to publish their games in Steam, so that they can be world-wide known and obtain profits.

Is it safe to publish my video game? It’s one of the main aims of LPS Steam Retro Publisher. This stands as an easy, new and safe alternative platform to publish your game.

How much does it cost to publish my game in Steam? It’s completely free. LPGS Steam Retro Publisher services offered by LUEGOLU3GO STUDIOS are completely free. They give 60% of the commissions received from developers’ sales.

If I am interested in these services, what shall I do first? You just have to contact us by email:

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